
  • " My name is Philipe Costa Nunes, I'm 38 years old, hairdresser and hair & visage therapist in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    At age 36, in March of 2016 I had a vertigo and fainted. I fell from a stairway and hit my head very hard. As a result I've had a minor head injury and I lost a little brain mass.

    I was induced to coma and for 18 days I was kept asleep, followed by another 9 days of recovery in the hospital room. These 9 days were with physiotherapists who have done specific exercises and taught me to walk again. The doctors said I could have stayed in a wheelchair.

    When I got home I wanted to do everything I did before. Well... I really could not do what I did before. I was imposed limits for a while. For example, to get up from the couch, I had to wait a minute in the same position to only then stand up and start walking. Sometimes I felt dizzy and needed to lean against the walls.

    After 3 months I realized that the left side of my body was thinner than the right side. I returned to the doctor and after a clinical survey he requested the Electroneuromyography examination to find out what nerve had been affected.

    Through the examination, the doctors found out that my trapeze on the left side had been disconnected. I started to do physiotherapy every day for 18 months: Russian current and specific exercises for the development of the trapeze. The recovery process was taking place, though slowly: 1 millimeter per year. Doctors recommended surgery to speed the recovery up. The protocol would be to remove a tendon from the chest and reinsert it to reconnect my shoulder.

    Immediately I said I would not undergo surgery and would rather stay with the physiotherapy. They told me, "You've been here for 18 months, everyone knows your case and they'll help you with whatever it takes." Even so I said I would not do the surgery.

    A friend, Dr. Marcia Segovia Gama, knowing about my situation, led me to the Indian Cultural Center (SVCC) to enroll for the Yoga classes. The first classes were very painful for me, but I resisted because I knew it was for my good. Time went by and I practiced at the classroom and also at home, following the instructions of our teacher, Mr. Sanjay Kumar. As a result, now I'm able to perform the work I love again.

    On April 10, 2018, I went to the final veredict medical consultation. I got to the doctor's office: he looked at me, said that I was doing very well, but I had to do some tests to see if I would have to go into surgery or be released. I went to the exam room, there were x-rays of all positions, tomography and magnectic resonance (MRI). When the results came, the doctor frowned. He looked at the computer screen and at me without understanding what he was seeing.

    The doctor then asked me to remove the shirt to make new photos and videos, so he could compare with those made when I left the hospital for the first time. He then met with his superiors and then came to me and said, "Medicine is not explaining your case to us. Your brain mass has regenerated, your trapezius has turned back on and everything is better than before." I then said, "It's my faith in God... I said I would not have to do the surgery and you did not believe it!" I was very happy, immediately thanked God.

    Today I feel my body strengthened and I can work more safely. Yoga classes with Professor Sanjay were fundamental in my routine for the total recovery of my body. I feel stronger and more mentally balanced.

    Today Yoga is part of my life and I want more and more to delve into this practice.

    Gratitude to Yoga and Professor Sanjay, for contributing to my total recovery. I am thankful forever. I am also thankful to physiotherapists & all the hospital's team. #Namaste# "

    Philipe Costa Nunes, Hairdresser and Hair & Visage Therapist,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Myself Amitabh, from Indian origin only. I live here in Sao Paulo, Brasil since last 19 years. I had a serious backpain problem, because of an accident during one of my flights from Bangkok to Sao Paulo via Ethiopean Airways. My flight almost got crashed. We were at 39000 feets and somehow stopped at 25000 feets. It was a straight fall of 11 seconds. 11 longest seconds of my life. Many people got hurt. Mainly those who were not using seatbelt. It was real panic situation. Absolute nightmare. But, for my luck, I was using seatbelt. So, got less hurt. But, still had a major jerk in my back. Took many pain killer medicines. Even had to take pain killer injections, when no medicine worked. There were night I could not even sleep due to pain. But, thanks to Yoga classes with you and your special attention towards me, I can say I am 99% cured. I dont say it's 100% , due to my own fault. I should practise it daily. Which I dont do. My mistake. Really sorry. But, just doing twice a week and with a very special attention you give me, I am cured. I am really very very thankful to you for that. "

    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Dear teacher Sanjay, taking part of your yoga course came as a beautiful GIFT for me! I'm so thankful for all your toughts , you are a wonderfull teacher ! I see my life better in all aspects in this months of practice , I feel so blessed to have this opportunity, I want to say thank you very much for everything I'm learning and changing as a better person. Thank you so much! My life changed for better and I feel stronger, calmer, it helps me with anxiety, I'm more focused in general ,to study and take care of all aspects of my life . I'm also more conscient and located in the present moment than before. I had pains in my back that are gone completely by now. The pranayamas helps me a lot with head aches and migraines. I feel more happy ,much more pacient, when our class finishes I feel so complete and happy I love the way you explain everything with calm and all details , explaining such important things in a simple way that we can perfectly understand you are divine "

    - Marcia Cardoso,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Good evening, teacher, your class has added a lot to my practice. I'm very happy and satisfied. I hope to have the privilege of being in another class in the next year. I just have to thank you. Thank you. "

    - Erica de lorenzo,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Hi, teacher, I wanted to tell this a long time but I have hadn't an opportunity. Yes,...I am having benfits with your classes, mainly with my digestive system and intestines. I also noticed that my muscles and spine is getting strong, flexible, some pains were removed. Today when I sit down to meditated I can stay in the posture with no disconfort. Great!!!!!! When you say: you are becoming physically and mentally strong, more energetic. THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Sanjay. Thanks my Divine for the opportunity. "

    - Sonia,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Dear teacher first of all I am very happy with my practice! I feel stronger and have my digestive problems and intestine function solved! My lombar pain is geting better every day! I also understood that the sequence of exercise you teach us every week are very complete and have a very strong effect! I would like to thank you a lot for this amazing oportunity! I'm feeling blessed with the chance to be in your class! "

    - Isa Trajtengertz,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Dear Teacher, your teachings have been crucial for my physical and emotional well being, especially in regards to my back pain, which I have learned to better manage with the yoga practice. Thank you so much for your commitment and guidance. "

    - Kathia Morini,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Dear teacher Firstly I noticed that I lost a lot of weight and I am much stronger and more energetic. I found that I could stay in the asanas longer than I thought. And also repeat more often than before. As a suggestion I ask to teach us ujjayi and other pranayamas. I'm really enjoying the lessons. Gratitude. "

    - Giovana Flaminio,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " The practices with Master Sanjay have provided countless benefits in my life: physical, mental, and spiritual. I feel my metabolism reacting more effectively to stimuli, my strength and flexibility increased, and breathing became more conscious. My mental capacity has improved, I can see the situation more clearly. It also allowed, exercising discipline, and sharpen intuition. The contact with the Divine approached, in order to consolidate my faith. In these seven months of practice, I was able to overcome physical and psychological limits thanks to the excellence of Yoga classes. So thank you from the heart for the opportunity to go through this experience. Gratitude "

    - Luiza,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Hi teacher, All that my colleagues sent above is what I'm felling about our classes. My flexibility was improve, my anxiousness decrease, I learned more regarding yoga theory, I started meditation practice... I want to thank you very much for share your knowledge. I'm so happy to take this opportunity and I hope continue enjoy your classes. Thank you "

    - Marina Margossian,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " I wish to thank first of all the Indian Cultural Center for these 7 months of hospitality and doors wide open. It's a privilege to be always well received for free spiritual and physical activities, always interesting and stimulating.

    Personally I consider today Yoga as an irreplaceable tool of physical and mental well-being. It's now difficult to imagine a week without practicing. Mr. Sanjay guidance is much appreciated, for his nice seriousness, his commitment, and most of all his remarkable devotion. He is for us an exemple.

    I wish to leave a suggestion for a deeper insight into meditation, if possible, for the remaining weeks of our training. Both meditation types and technics linked to Yoga. Thank you "

    - Marco Schwabacher,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Even though I could not practise the assanas with the necessary regularly, I notice a significant improvement in my physical, emotional and spiritual health. Tour classes are always the best day of the week for me. Thanks "

    - Maria Helena,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " As a teacher, you are wonderful !! You make us believe in ourselves and do not give up! HOLD !!! In my case, I noticed a great muscular development in legs and arms, and a great relief in the back pains and neck that I had frequently. Breathing, finally someone, YOU, made me believe that makes all the difference and can really calm !! I am very grateful to you and the SVCC, for the opportunity they are giving me, and if I can make a request ... I want to follow you, next year !! "

    - Oriana,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " To me go through this yoga experience. I am already a practitioner of classical yoga. I perceived to improve resistance in the permanence of the postures. And I have known some different practices, like Muktasana, varying for Ustrasana. The opportunity to practice with the teacher who brings this traditional practice to us, with knowledge of mantras, asanas, pranayamas, relaxation is very special for me. I appreciate the opportunity to learn about Indian Culture. "

    - Monica Spada Durante,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • " Teacher Sanjay, I believe in this months of practice in SVCC I've been learning a lot about how improvement of ourselves take work, but that it's so worth it. Many times I was frustrated for not being as good in the asanas as I wanted to, and also of not being able to practice in the frequency that I wanted to and that you recommend. Many times during the classes I've felt tired or as if I wasn't capable of doing the asanas. However, pushing harder as well as respecting our personal limits, in your classes, I've also been learning that I'm capable of much more than I first thought I was, and that improving requires us to keep showing up to our practices and keep giving our best. I believe I'm learning this in my personal journey through yoga, but also through your teachings, in which you push us to go further and make us believe in our potential to be each time more of the divine beings you teach us we are. That being said, I can see now that I'm becoming each time stronger, more flexible and more patient. I always get to SVCC feeling really tired after work, and I always leave your classes feeling more rested, more peaceful, more centered. This is the most sincere feedback I could give. "

    - Nathalia Ferreira,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil