
Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition to the world. It integrates body, mind and soul. Today, yoga is also integrating humanity. Every citizen of the world wants to lead a healthy life free from tension and all types of diseases. Good health is concerned with overall wellness. Yoga is the path to get wellness.

Yoga teaches us how to lead a balanced life. It is the key to a balanced mind, healthy body, noble thoughts and connects us to our inner self. The benefits of yoga are manifold. When we do it regularly and effectively, it leads to the perfection of human potentials in strength, skills, general well-being, peaceful and stress-free living. It also refines our emotions leads to compassion, mutual understanding and greater sensitivity to others.

Specific benefits of Yoga:
  • As honey is sweet from any part of the honeycomb, so is yoga. It enables every part of the human system to become attuned to its essence. According to Yoga Shikha Upanishad:

    " Verily, there is no virtue greater than yoga, no good greater than yoga, and no subtlety greater than yoga. There is nothing that is greater than yoga. " We welcome you at Divine Yoga Naturopath Society (D.Y.N.S.) - the right place to begin your experiential journey into deeper awakening!

    Dr. Sanjay Kumar
    Secretary, Divine Yoga Naturopath Society (D.Y.N.S.)
    Professor, Yoga & Indian Culture, I.C.C.R. (Govt. of India), N. Delhi